

she's never liked twilight, you know,
when it comes, it only confirms
we've failed at everything
it only arrives to insist,
what a waste,
it says, I at least end things, I
understand perfection, deep
at its source it isn't power,
nothing so small, so edible
there, it is immaculate possibility

-- Dionne Brand, from Inventory

Tautology: An Ode

Precision's Gut disgests our Dismal age;
Here adverbs, and brains, are absent from the page;
Here divine verbiage is scoffed to shame,
Here Word Count snuffs the Promethean flame,
Here Meaning's livery's stripped to a bare word:
Confused by clarity, by concision obscured.

Yet lucid's the vision of one "flow'ry rose"
And grass is best when "verdant green" it grows.
Regal King, Tautology! Tautology Lord!
Return, come back, and repulse this horde!
Arise, Redundant Bards, and regain thy place
Above the homo sapien human race!


A and The

A girl means shadow
The girl means coulours.

A boy means outlines
The boy means filler

A job means copia
The job means action

A silence means fresh
The silence means death

A hand means aid
The hand means warmth

An idea means possibility
The idea means ending

A shock means wide eye
The shock means regret

A charity means hug
The charity means snicker

A sin means smiles
The sin means fire


Hamilton, My Dear, I Miss You Some Nights.

I think I just love to perpetuate myths.